Cure the Curse in about an hour Rejuvall Non-Surgical Penis Enlargements

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Size Increase Estimates
RejuvallLite BellaThick™ Poly (methyl methacrylate) "PMMA"

PMMA & General Commentary
RejuvallLite® BellaThick is a cosmetic medical procedure that involves non-surgical, off-label injections of the only FDA-approved version of "PMMA" or polymethyl methacrylate that's suspended in a bovine carrying agent.

that's below the penile skin, similar to how dermal fillers have been injected into the face since the early 2000's.

Off-label use of injectable synthetic made of smooth, round micro-beads of polymethyl methacrylate, suspended in a bovine carrier Stimulates tissue inflammation and collagen stimulation to replace bovine agent and encase polymer beads Sphere beads are too large for body to naturally reabsorb

noticeably increases both erect and flaccid penile girth or thickness. BellaThick takes longer to increase penile thickness than H/A since its a three-step process

Collagen carriers trigger inflammatory action
Collagen builds around the PMMA microspheres
Injecting collagen agent dissipates

Most patients get 2-3

Once a patient with an average sized penis receives between 15mL - 20mL of SemiPerm
® filler, they will usually notice an increased flaccid thickness of an 1 inch, resulting in approximately 0.5 to 0.7 inches when erect. There is no limit to how much girth we can supply our patients while still ensuring safe, dependable, comfortable, and successful outcomes. Many patients continue until achieving an erect increase of 1.5 inches or more. From arrival to checkout, the entire process takes roughly an hour. The benefits are immediate and long-lasting.

There has never been a documented change in a patient's erection or sensation, although our patient's sexual partners note significant differences.

A detailed understanding of penile anatomy and function, non-cannula injection methods, and product viscosity gradient are all essential to achieving optimal enhancement with a smooth, symmetrical bigger penis.

All Rejuvall® procedures are performed by one of America's leading reconstructive urologists: Kennth J. Carney, MD, PHARM, FACS

BellaThick™: How long does Bellafill PMMA last?

We believe PMMA is mostly permanent, but the supporting clinical evidence is still evolving.

Currently, Suneva, the distributor of Bellafill, has published its five-year, 1,008-patient research, where users saw an 87 percent retention rate, which is indicative of near permanence.

Polymthyl methacrylate (PMMA, and the active ingredient in Bellafill) microspheres are a synthetic compound. PMMA acts as a structural support for the skin, like scaffolding for a building, to hold up the skin and fill in lost volume. Bellafill microspheres range between 30 and 50 microns in diameter. Above 20 microns, uniform microspheres are regarded as too large to reabsorb or degrade from being ingested as part of normal human metabolic activity (like what happens with hyaluronic acid).

In our clinical opinion, PMMA injections should remain mostly permanent when properly injected around the penis organ. We believe the biggest risk to their loss comes from the mechanical action of vigorous sex or masturbation, which runs the risk of dislodging the PMMA microspheres. As a result, we advise PMMA patients to develop the habit of masturbating with a "flesh light"-type device. It is more suitable for the penis and results in better penile performance during vaginal sex by design.

Suneva said that in its five-year, 1,008-patient research, users saw
an 87 percent retention rate, which is indicative of near permeance.
Within two years, Bellafill is anticipated to release the results of a ten-year trial. Such long-term studies are very difficult to administer. Patients move, lose interest, and undergo further treatments, making it challenging to gather quality long-term data.
BellaThick™: Safe, simple, and effective outcomes

RejuvallLite's Semi-Perm® augmentation is accomplished safely with off-label use of an FDA-approved version of Hyaluronic Acid (H/A) Dermal Filler.

  • This tried-and-true girth enlargement process consists of two or more treatments that take roughly 30 minutes to complete.

  • Patients must merely refrain from intercourse and self-pleasuring for about a week and wear a compression sleeve as instructed.

  • Since the first FDA clearances in 2004, Rejuvall has provided H/A dermal fillers for non-surgical penis enlargement and found them to be safe and effective for volume enhancement.

The RejuvallLIte® technique involves no "clumping" inducing cannulas, no unsightly incisions, and no scary anesthesia.
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